Members of the Konongo Circuit of Sekyere East Zone Majlis Ansarullah held its 2024 Annual Ijtema’a at the Konongo Mosque on 12th July 2024 on the theme “The Essence of Tabligh” Ansarullah” and was attended by 17 members from the four Jama’at communities in the Circuit.

In an opening address, a retired Circuit Missionary, Muallim Hakeem Hakeem Boateng said that it is a blessing to become a member of the Majlis Ansarullah since not all people live up to the age of 40. He urged all members to desist from arrogance and be very prayerful.  Muallim Boateng admonished all to always rely on Allah for relief from any difficulties citing a statement from the Promised Messiah (as) that “An individual who turns to God is blessed”. He lamented the situation whereby some members of the Jamaat are distracted by worldly desires with many young ones involved in betting. He said as the head of the family, members need to set examples for their wives and children to emulate in the interest of the Jama’at.

Dr. Mohammed Adu-Poku, speaking on the theme “The Essence of Tabligh”, mentioned that it is the responsibility of the Majlis Ansarullah to lead tabligh activities since the Holy Prophet (saw) was 40 years when he was called by Allah. Dr. Adu-Poku said he was a beneficiary of tabligh since it was through tabligh that he became an Ahmadi Muslim. He said members should let their dressing, conduct, and behaviour do the preaching for them since people look at the conduct of Jama’at members to accept baiat. He stressed that Ansars, due to their age, need to inculcate the Jama’at spirit in others for them to continue the tabligh after their death.

The Konongo Circuit Nazim, Mr. Hakeem Owusu Mahmud, was full of praise for some elders of the Jama’at who have made various sacrifices for tabligh programmes and called on members of the Majlis to be part whenever the time for tabligh is due.

The Qaid Isha’at of Majlis Ansarullah, Ghana, Mr. Dawood Abbas, called on members to take a keen interest in the annual work plan of the Majlis Ansarullah and ensure that they participate in all programmes and activities earmarked for the year.

The Sekyere East Zonal Nazim, Mr. Harun Arthur, who chaired the function, in his remarks, stated that the Majlis is making preparations for an intensive tabligh programme and called on members to lend their support. He said the youth are mainly those involved in the betting business and the Ansar need to sensitize them to move away from it. He admonished members to desist from telling lies and ensure that they pay their Chanda with sincerity to enjoy blessings from Allah. The Zonal Nazim further called on members to prepare for the pending Zonal Ijtemaa to be held at the end of August 2024.



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