Speakers at the Northern Regional Ansarullah Conference have charged Ahmadi Muslim men who have chosen to engage in Polygyny to always ensure fairness and justice to avoid the wrath of Allah.

The various Speakers made the call on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Central Mosque in Tamale during the Northern Regional Ansarullah Conference which came off under the theme, “Polygamy in Islam – Understanding Tradition, Context and Contemporary Perspectives”.


In his welcome remarks, the Tamale Zonal Nazim, Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Moomen thanks Allah for His blessings, and for granting the attendees who had travelled from other parts of the region safety. He urged the members to participate fully at the conference and to abide by all the rules as enumerated by the Ahmadiyyat Jamaat during such gatherings.

The Tamale Zonal President, and the Northern Regional President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Dr. Nicholas Denwar and Dr. Munawar Issahaku respectively, were unanimous in the view that the idea that Islam allows polygamy so that men could pursue lust and as an excuse to fulfill sensual desires is a far cry from what Islam actually wishes to achieve. They added that, instead, Islam proposes polygamy as a solution in a time of crisis.

Muallim Abdul Majeed Mohammed, the Yendi Zonal Missionary, speaking on “the principles of Islamic Parenting”, said children are an “amanah” from Allah SWT, adding that the best gift parents can give to their Muslim children is a proper upbringing. He enumerated the challenges face by parents in contemporary times and outlined some measures parents can adopt in order to raise their children to become useful members to their families, the Jamaat and the world at large.

The Missionary in Charge of the Northern Region, Maulvi Abubakar Ibrahim expressed his excitement as seeing the revival of the Northern Regional Ansurallah Conference after its organization was halted due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

A journalist who doubles as the Director of Public Affairs at the University for Development Studies (UDS), Mr. Abdul-Hayi Moomen, speaking on the theme of the conference, said although Islam had clearly spelt out conditions for marriage and polygamy, some individuals hide under some fabricated hadith to circumvent the laid down guidelines for polygamy.

“In Islam marriage occupies a central position in the development and survival of human kind. Polygamy as practiced by true Muslims comes with a lot of guidelines on how it is to be conducted and the rights of the couples are clearly defined and the requirements that the husband must fulfill in order to be fair and just to all the wives,’’ he said.

Mr. Moomen said that Islam forbids a man to marry another woman if he will not be fair in the treatment he gives them or if he discriminates among the wives and their children.

He quoted Prophet Muhammed as saying that “a man who marries more than one woman and does not deal justly amongst them, will be resurrected with half of his body paralysed.’’

He also emphasized the need for marriage to be with mutual consent. Warning that Islam forbids a girl or woman to be forced to marry a man.

He urged Ahmadi Muslim men who are already into Polygamous marriages to live by example, in order to prove to the world that indeed the teachings of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad represents the true Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Mohammed (SAW). He advised those who have intentions of engaging in polygamy to be ready to cater for the essential needs of their wives and children including food, clothing and shelter before going into marriage to avoid some of the vices in the society today.

The Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah Ghana, Alhaji Mohammed Ketu, who chaired the conference said the theme of the conference was carefully chosen to enlighten the public on the provisions of Islam as regards some contentious issues.

He called on all Ahmadi Muslims to continue to pray for the peace and stability of Ghana ahead of the General elections, while contributing their quota to national development.

Other persons present at the conference were the Naib Sadr, Ansarullah Ghana, Southern Sector, Mr. Abdul Samad Issah, Zonal Missionaries from the Northern Region and other invited Guests from the Tamale Metropolis.

Story by:

Abdul Hayi Moomen



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