The Majlis Ansarullah, Ekumfi Zone held its 1st rally on 28th July 2024 at Ekumfi Ekotsi Central Mosque under the theme: “Promoting Peace in an Election Year, the Role of a Nasr”. It was attended by 105 members from the five circuits under the Zone which was created from the old Mankessim Zone in the latter part of 2023.

The Guest Speaker, Mr. Mohammed Iddrisu, Immuna Zonal President, spoke on the theme in which he emphasized the importance of peaceful elections and urged members to participate and maintain peace, regardless of political affiliations. He highlighted the peaceful history of Ghana’s elections and urged members to ensure qualified voter registration and maintain peace while promoting love across political divides.

In his welcome address, The Zonal Nazim, Mr. Sadique Bin Usman, said the newly created Zone has 195 registered members across the 5 circuits and expressed his appreciation to the members for their immense support and participation in all Majlis activities.

The Otuam Circuit Missionary, Muallim Nuruddin Yakub Buabeng, delivered a speech on the topic: The Role of the Ansarullah in Training Children in an Islamic Way. He discussed the Ansarullah’s role in child training, stressing obedience and proper planning by parents. He outlined the importance of teaching children about good and bad deeds, sports, and social interactions, particularly during their formative years.

The annual report was delivered by Mr. Zac Mohammed Dawood, Zonal Naib Nazim Umuumi. He reported on the Zone’s activities, including marriage seminars and regular meetings, highlighting members’ engagement in congregational prayers and listening to the Khalifatul Masih’s sermons.

Nana Mankrado of Ekumfi Ekotsi, who was a Special Guest, commended the rally’s organization and also encouraged members to educate their children about electoral laws to avoid negative acts that could lead to violence.

Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, the Zonal Naib Nazim Mal, delivered a health talk emphasizing the importance of moderation as members age. He advised increased water intake, timely restroom use, and managing health issues like joint pain and eye problems by reducing strenuous activities. Mr. Amissah encouraged light exercises such as jogging, recommended warm baths in cold weather, and stressed the need for a healthy diet and regular medical check-ups. He also noted that some diseases may not be fully curable, urging patience among members.

The Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Hafiz Mohammed Arkoh encouraged parents to organize family meetings to interact with their children and guide them and endeavour to send their children to participate in Tarbiyyat classes.

The Chairman for the occasion and Ekumfi Zonal President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Quantson, urged members to maintain peace at home through good communication, humor, and patience with children. He emphasized the importance of managing anger by drinking water and sitting quietly and encouraged apologies after offending a spouse to reduce divorce rates. He recommended regular medical check-ups, particularly for prostate health, and advised members to address bad habits with sacrifice and prayer.

The Central Regional Umuumi, Muallim Umar Farouq Fiifi Dawson, and the Regional Qaid Mal, Mr. Fadel Rahman Forson represented the Regional Nazim took turns talking about the impending regional and national rallies and the financial obligations expected from members respectively.

Participants engaged in a route march through the principal streets of Ekumfi Ekotsi and also engaged in sporting and academic competitions including hit the target, musical chair, Azan calling, Quiz, Qur’an reading and Qur’an memorization.

Report by:

Sadique Bin Usman

(Ekumfi Zonal Nazim)


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